Welcome to Gibberish

By Gibberish

Hello and welcome to Gibberish! Gibberish is a weird blogging app that looks like a messaging app.

Here, each chat bubble represents a paragraph. But don’t worry, it’s not a requirement. You can write your whole multi-paragraph blog post within a single bubble if you want.

Have you ever found yourself sending multiple long messages in a row during a chat? Or perhaps you’ve posted a 10-post tweetstorm? That’s what using Gibberish feels like.

Somehow, the chat bubbles tricked my brain into a writing flow. I hope it works on your brain, too.

Every time you type and send text, it becomes a part of your post. This format means you don’t have to worry about a stray keypress causing unnoticed damage to the post. Each piece is a manageable chunk.

Want to edit or delete a paragraph? Just long-press the message. Go ahead, give it a try!

I ama tpyo.

Delete me!

Adding images is easy too! Just tap the button on the bottom-left corner of the screen.

While you can’t edit an image once it’s added, you can long-press to edit the alt text.

Once you’re satisfied with your post, you can choose to publish it on the web. But that’s a topic for another post. For now, enjoy the writing process!